Thursday, August 12, 2010

Black Breath - Heavy Breathing [2010]

Maybe it's just me but for some reason I love my hardcore evil. I guess it's because of my hatred for religion. Who knows. But anyways here we have the most recent album by Black Breath entitled Heavy BreathingPulling Teeth (even though they are sinister to the max already). and all I can say is WOW! Imagine a more sinister and death metal tinged Pulling Teeth.

Lately it seems that a lot of bands are taking bits and pieces of old school death and black metal bands and giving them a hardcore edge. And that is really awesome because instead of applying breakdown after breakdown to the music their actually taking time to write amazing riffs and some down-right evil melodies. 

Anyways here I sit jamming Heavy Breathing and I cannot stop headbanging. Seriously head banging to hardcore. Shit! That's a total WHAT THE FUCK moment right their. Usually I nod a little bit or maybe mosh around in my room. But this album had me knocking back a few brews and banging my head like its fucking 1989 (even though I was still a wee little lad around this time). From the black metal tinged opening tremolo picked melody on Escape From Death to the heavy ass sludgy dirge on I Am Beyond, you can tell that Black Breath wear their influences on their sleeves and their's nothing wrong with that. Instantly reminding one of bands such as Entombed and Dark Funeral. To me, that's mouth watering goodness. Hell, theirs even a nod to Motorhead on Children of The Horn with a fast punk-ish rock and roll vibe. The vocals in Black Breath are of the hardcore variety but man do they pack a punch. Especially with the added evil as fuck lyrics, this album had me drooling.

All in all this is a fantastic album by an amazing band. If your into evil shit, like metal tinged hardcore, and like good music. Then by all means pick this album up and get ready for a wicked ride into hell. 

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